vMethod - Analysis of Glyphosate, AMPA and Glufosinate (derivatization) in Food Matrices 1.0

The SCIEX vMethod Application for Quantitation of Glyphosate, Aminomethylphosphonic Acid, and Glufosinate provides for these polar pesticides determination in multiple food matrices. This method is progressed as after aqueous methanol extraction, derivatization, and clean-up by SPE on Agela PWAX column (P/N WA0603), the eluate was analyzed using SCIEX QTRAP®4500 system coupled with ExionLCTM AD system. A five minutes gradient on Phenomenex Gemini NX-C18 column (3 μm, 30 × 2.0 mm, P/N 00A-4453-B0) was employed. 5 mM NH4HCO3 and methanol:acetonitrile (1:1, v/v) were used as mobile phase. MRM data was acquired in negative mode and processed using the MultiQuantTM software. The target limit of detection of 5 μg/kg was achieved in orange and wheat and 10 μg/kg in tea powder. According to the validation results, both the accuracy and recovery of the method meet the requirements.

3.097,42 CHF

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