1 Day Personalized Application Support at SCIEX

• Overview: Personalized training and support from SCIEX applications support scientists can help you save time on application development and implementation as well as give you confidence in troubleshooting and maintenance. This training is for one learner at one of SCIEX training facilities. An applications support scientist, who is an expert in your field, will contact you ahead of time to discuss training goals and to tailor a visit focused on your specific needs. • Who should attend: Learners who need personalized training for specific goals. • Pre-requisites: None. • What’s included: o 1 Day of instructor led training at a SCIEX training facility by an experienced SCIEX Applications Support Scientist. o Tuition for 1 learner to participate (travel and living expenses NOT included). o Valid for 12 months from date of purchase. See latest course information and register for a session in the SCIEX Now Learning Hub online catalog: https://sciex.com/support/training/course-catalog • Training location: SCIEX training facility

999,00 CHF

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